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Why Should You Use Email Marketing for your Business?

Email is Everywhere


In the age of Internet 2.0, social media and mobile apps, email marketing might look old fashioned and redundant but the reality is the opposite.


Despite all the advances in digital communication and online marketing, email is still considered the steady workhorse because it’s a cheap and reliable method of getting your message out there.


Up to 82% of businesses, in all sorts of markets, use email so if you or your businesses aren’t you need to consider, why not?


What Should You Send Out?


If you do decide to undertake an email marketing campaign you need to do two things to begin:


Start collecting your customers email addresses


Start thinking about what interests them and what you’ll actually send them


61% of online adults use email every day and almost half of them access emails on a mobile device. Keep this in mind when creating your campaign. It has to be attractive, easy to read and concise on even the smallest of screens.


Engaged Mailing Lists


When you do begin collecting customer email addresses try to do so in a positive fashion. The average email open rate hovers around 20% but if you focus on only collecting the addresses of those most interest it can rise to as high as 50%!


100 engaged interested customer addresses are far better than 1000 uninterested customers that just as quickly might unsubscribe. Don’t get bogged down in the vanity of numbers.


Finally, try to focus on those people that might be interested in hearing more about your products, services or events on a regular basis.