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Why You Should Be Using Segmentation on Facebook Advertising

Taking the time and effort to take a step back and think about who your customer is and what they really want should be at the forefront of every marketer and business owner’s mind.

It can be a struggle but honing in on exactly who you want to speak to and what you want to say can save a lot of time, effort, tears and money!

With that in mind, Facebook’s Advertising platform really allows you to take advantage of that insight and clear thinking.

Targeted Messaging

Within Facebook’s Advertising platform you will be able to create custom audiences that match exactly, or very closely, to your ideal customer groups.

By taking this customer-first approach you’re effectively trimming away the fat and this in turn saves you money, as you’re no longer targeting uninterested demographics.


If, for example, you only wanted to put your message in front of women, aged 25-35, living in the Ballymena area with an interest in pets, you could do that.

However, if you wanted to target a broad spectrum of women from right across Northern Ireland you could still create location or age specific ads, within your campaign, to give you a clearer indication of which demographics respond better than others.

Measured Marketing

The second major benefit to segmenting your customer groups within Facebook Advertising is that you can closely measure everything.

This allows you to quickly kill, improve or double-down on the ads (and groups) that are performing or not performing.

Everything can be measured and over time this will give you a clearer picture of who your customer is and what they really want to see, hear and buy!

You might even get a few surprises!